Book Publishing for Doctors

Create a published work that will be featured on

Amazon Book Publishing
Book Publishing

Benefits of Book Publishing for Doctors

Make your book a reality with our book publishing service.  Let Medical Marketing Whiz be your literary partner, guiding you through each step to create a published work that will be featured on  Publishing your own book not only establishes immense authority in the healthcare space, attracting new patients and fostering trust, but also opens doors to speaking opportunities that extend your influence to a broader audience.

Our book publishing service includes the following:


  • Comprehensive editing for grammar, syntax, and overall clarity.

  • Professional proofreading to catch any errors.


  • Formatting the manuscript to meet publishing standards.

  • Ensuring consistency in font, spacing, and layout.

Cover Design:

  • Customized cover art that aligns with the book’s content and appeals to the target audience.

  • High-resolution images and professional design.

Online 3D Graphic:

  • Creation of a 3D representation of the book cover for online marketing purposes.

ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Acquisition:

  • Obtaining a unique ISBN for the book, which is essential for proper identification and tracking.

Publishing on Amazon:

  • Formatting the book for Kindle if it’s an e-book.

  • Setting up and publishing the book on Amazon’s platform.

Author Support:

  • Providing guidance on the publishing process.

  • Assisting with any queries or concerns the author may have.

Start Marketing With Book Publishing

Talk to an expert!

Medical Marketing Whiz is thrilled to offer the opportunity to publish your next book and share your valuable insights with the medical community. Our dedicated team will work closely with you to create a tailored marketing strategy that maximizes the visibility and impact of your publication. With our proven track record in promoting healthcare-related literature, entrusting us to publish your book means gaining a powerful ally in showcasing your work to the world.

Start Marketing With Book Publishing